Grain Technology
Variety considerations for your 2025 seeding program
An update on grain varieties for the 2025 growing season
Read more about Variety considerations for your 2025 seeding program
This page is a source of news and information from CBH regarding technology and innovation in the area of grain quality and protection. Articles cover topics including chemical residue management, harvest quality information, and innovation in grain quality assessment and protection with knowledge shared from CBH's subject matter experts, as well as government and industry bodies.
This webpage and its contents (collectively, “this Content”) is intended to provide factual and / or general information only to prompt a discussion between you and your agronomist and other professional advisers. This Content does not take into account any of your specific circumstances or factual scenarios. This Content is not intended to be specific in nature or to constitute professional advice, and you must not rely upon this Content as professional advice. You should seek professional advice from your agronomist and your other professional advisers based on your specific circumstances and factual scenario.
To the maximum extent permitted by law: (i) none of Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited, the other members of the CBH Group, or their respective directors, officers, employees, contractors, agents or servants (collectively, “CBH Parties”) give any warranty, representation, guarantee or other assurance as to the accuracy or currency of this Content; and (ii) none of the CBH Parties is liable for any loss or damage that you or any other person may suffer arising out of or in connection with the use of this Content for any purpose.