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Premium malting and feed barley

Barley is Western Australia’s second largest cereal crop after wheat and is in demand by brewers, distillers and stock feed businesses globally for its quality and versatility.

Primarily grown throughout the higher rainfall zones of southern parts of the state, Western Australia produces high-quality malt grade barley, and high-yielding, clean, feed grade barley.

  • Malting Barley
    Accredited malting barley varieties with quality attributions suited to meet a wide range of malting and brewing applications around the world with physical and functional characteristics meeting international brewers and food manufacturers requirements – including sustainability requirements.
    Primarily grown throughout the medium to high rainfall zones of southern Western Australia, varieties grown produce high-quality malting grade barley, and high-yielding, clean, feed grade barley.
  • Feed Barley
    Barley with quality attributions suited to meet stock feed requirements, including moisture, weight and foreign material.