Carter’s Delivery Form
Before delivering a load to CBH, read through this information to ensure your delivery process is as smooth as possible.
A completed CDF (Carter’s Delivery Form) is a legal requirement for each harvest load delivered to a CBH receival site or port facility.
When delivering a load, please be aware of the following:
- The CDF is used to grade and store your load, so it is important that it is accurate, including any chemical use declarations.
- Correct declaration of the variety for delivery is essential. Deliveries will be randomly sampled and tested during harvest to ensure grain quality is maintained.
- CDF’s are submitted electronically using the CBH CDF mobile application.
- The CDF app is used to manage the entire delivery process at site from sampling, weighing, discharge and communication.
- The CDF app caters for multi-load deliveries where there is a combination of deliverers, commodities, varieties or paddocks within a load (truck consist) and remote sampling when a graded load can be delivered to an alternative site.
- In the instance of an app or system outage, manual processes will be used to ensure harvest deliveries can continue.
Stay safe on site. When interacting with the CDF app on site, your vehicle must be stationary with the brake applied.
Delivery and Warehousing Terms
All deliveries to CBH are made under the CBH Delivery and Warehousing Terms.
By tendering grain to CBH for storage, you agree to be bound by those terms.
Load delivery FAQs
How to submit a CDF
A CDF can be submitted by you, or someone delivering a load on your behalf (i.e. contract transporter).
There are two ways to submit a CDF in the app:
- If submitting the first load of the day, select CREATE NEW CDF. Fill out the form by selecting from your favourites or by manually entering the information.
- If the load is the same as the last load delivered (i.e. same deliverer, property, commodity, variety, paddock etc.) select COPY LAST CDF. You can still make changes to the form before submitting it. This option is only enabled after the first load of the day has been delivered and will re-set each day.
Once you have submitted your CDF, site staff will be able to view the load details and start preparing for the estimated time of arrival.
If you have a weak network connection, you can submit the CDF offline and it will send once a connection has been established.
Multi-load deliveries
When a truck has multiple grain types, deliverers, paddocks or a combination of these in separate trailers/bins, it is a multi-load. A separate sample analysis and CDF may be required for each load parcel.
Multi-load deliveries will differ depending on the site flow. If a vehicle with multi-loads is overloaded, the first load discharged will forfeit the overloaded amount.
Sample First Sites
Each individual load can be sampled and assigned a load number at the sampling stage. Each load is grossed, discharged and tared separately, with the tare weight of the first discharged load becoming the gross weight of the second load.
- Sample first and second load separately.
- Weigh entire truck.
- Discharge first load.
- Weigh entire truck.
- Discharge second load.
- Weigh entire truck.
Weigh First Sites
Each individual load is assigned a load number before the gross weight is captured and before sampling. Each load is grossed, sampled, discharged and tared separately, with the tare weight of the first discharged load becoming the gross weight of the second load.
- Weigh entire truck.
- Sample first and second load separately.
- Discharge first load.
- Weigh entire truck.
- Discharge second load.
- Weigh entire truck.
Multi-variety deliveries
When delivering multiple varieties within a load, the grade can only be as high as the highest grade that any of the included varieties could achieve. For example, if a hard wheat variety is mixed with a noodle wheat variety, FED1 will be the highest grade the load can achieve, as both hard and noodle varieties can achieve FED1 when delivered separately.
If mixing varieties that attract End Point Royalties (EPR) with other varieties, payment deductions and other EPR paperwork should be checked carefully to ensure that the correct payments have been made.
Chemical use declaration
On delivering each load of grain to CBH, you or your representative are required to complete the Chemical Usage Declaration section in the CDF.
If you cannot meet the requirement for an eligible delivery, the load will be treated as having a Level One Contaminant and will be ineligible for delivery.
The following declarations are current for the 2024/25 harvest:
General declaration
To confirm each load as eligible for delivery, growers will need to complete a declaration that the load has either not been treated with chemicals or has been treated in compliance with label usage requirements.
Glyphosate on barley
For barley only, please declare if you have used a pre-harvest application of glyphosate chemicals. Declared loads will be segregated as BFDEC.
Any person falsely stating information on the CDF may commit an offence under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), the Fair Trading Act 2010 (WA), the Bulk Handling Act 1967 (WA), and the Criminal Code (WA) and may be liable to prosecution and civil action.
For more information on the way CBH manages chemicals visit the Chemical residue management page.
Grading your load
CBH grades each load in accordance with receival standards.
After assessment of the physical grain and the information contained on the CDF, the load will be assigned:
- A Load Grade – the grade as assessed at delivery and that you are entitled to sell.
- A Storage Grade – for CBH purposes, the grade which the grain is physically stored on site.
Due to Quality Optimisation, wheat deliveries will be assigned additional information:
- An Optimisation Class will be displayed on the CDF, which represents the class within which you can quality optimise.
- A Highest Grade at Site field will be shown on the CDF to indicate the highest grade available on site at the time of delivery and represents your optimisation ceiling or Service Cap.
Please be aware of the following factors that may influence the grading of your load:
- Available Services – the available services at each receival point will affect the highest grade you can achieve for your grain.
- Variety – for some commodities the variety delivered may affect the load grading.
- Quality Test Results – protein, screenings, moisture, oil content and a range of other test results will influence the final grading of a load.
Remote sampling your load
Remote sampling allows you to have your load sampled and graded at one site and confirm the grade and delivery of that load to another site.
When a load is remote sampled, it is ‘live’ at the destination or receiving site in real time. This means you can take advantage of Active Stack Management (ASM) and Extended Standard Tolerance (EST) available at the receiving site at the time of being sampled.
Advise the CBH sampler that you want a remote sample before or after the load has been sampled. Any load that is remote sampled must be delivered in the same day and cannot be held overnight.
All Community Sample Stands will operate using remote sampling. Where remote sampling is not available due to systems failure, the certified load process will be used as a manual back up.
Remote Sampling and Falling Numbers.
Remote Sampled loads are subject to Falling Number assessment where active. Refer to the following table:
Sending Site Falling Numbers Destination Site Falling Numbers FN Test conducted at Active Active Sending Site Active Inactive Sending Site Inactive Active Destination Site
The result of the Falling Number assessment at the Destination Site may change the initial Remote Sample assessment.
If the falling number from the GSS sample is within specification, the truck can proceed to the weighbridge as normal. If the falling number is not within the required specification, the load is regraded as per the falling number result.
The Remote Sample is void if the grower elects to be resampled or reassessed for Falling Number at the destination site. For more information visit Receival standards.
Re-tendering a load
It is you or your representative’s choice whether to re-tender a load where it does not meet your expectations in terms of the grading result. When re-tendering, please take note of the following:
- Loads that have been determined to be contaminated cannot be re-tendered under any circumstance.
- As a matter of courtesy to other deliverers in the queue, please leave the site and join the rear of the queue.
- If there is no queue, then the load may be re-speared without leaving the site.
CBH reserves the right to refuse re-tendering for any grade or quality attribute in circumstances where it is deemed necessary to protect the overall stack value for all growers or to maintain site efficiency. If this occurs at a site, you will be advised with details at least 24 hours prior to commencement.
Voluntarily downgrading a load
A voluntary downgrade is available where the load graded cannot be delivered due to the service not being available at the site and you do not wish to deliver elsewhere at that time. The alternative is to use the remote sampling process to take the load to another site. In choosing to downgrade, you or your representative elects to accept a lower grade than the assessed grade. You are unable to downgrade after delivery.
CBH cannot be held responsible should you or your representative claim to be unaware that their actions may have a negative outcome on payments. It is therefore important to discuss this voluntary option with the person delivering your grain.
Weighing your load and forfeits
Please remember the following points when approaching and stopping on the weighbridge:
- Drive slowly.
- Check the vehicle is positioned correctly on the weighbridge.
- Check that the calculated weight is correct.
If the vehicle is overloaded under the Harvest Mass Management Scheme or the Accredited Mass Management Scheme, then you have two options:
- Correct your load off CBH premises and re-present for delivery; or
- Forfeit the amount of grain in excess of the scheme mass allowance.
For more information visit Mass management schemes.
Weighbridge tickets
A weighbridge ticket is provided with each load delivered. It is your delivery receipt and CBH’s acknowledgement of grain received. It specifies quality, quantity, type, variety and grade of the load delivered. Payments to growers are based on this information.
You and your drivers can receive the weighbridge ticket electronically (email). All load history is retained in the CDF app and LoadNet, and a copy of the weighbridge ticket can be emailed at any time.
It is important to double check all information on the weighbridge ticket to ensure it is correct prior to leaving the CBH site.
Manual delivery process
There may be times when sites need to use manual processes to receive your grain if the CDF app or systems have been impacted by an outage, or for other reasons.
In these instances, you will be provided with a paper copy of the CDF to fill out and use throughout the delivery process. When completing the paper CDF please note the following points:
- Ink only – as a legal document, a CDF paper form must be completed in ink and not pencil.
- Legible – please complete the CDF neatly using block letters.
- Full words – codes are not to be used; all information must be written in full.
- Changes – any changes required must be initialled by the deliverer.
- Retain a copy – growers should retain a copy of each CDF for their records, especially if employing cartage contractors.
You will be provided with a paper or electronic Weighbridge Ticket and all load information is retained and can be accessed in your secure LoadNet account.
Site Operating HoursView up-to-date site opening and closing timesSite opening and closing times vary from site to site and change frequently during harvest depending on local delivery requirements. If you do not have access to the CDF App, view site hours below.View opening hours
Site ServicesView indicative site services for harvestEach CBH receival site has a number of grain segregation services available which are matched to the requirements and changing needs of the delivering growers as much as possible.View site services
Related pages
CDF appRead more about CDF app
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