Launched in 2022, the Path to 2033 Strategy builds on existing plans to improve our supply chain capability.
We established strategic objectives to ensure the supply chain and network can keep pace with the productivity gains being made by growers, and as customer needs change and evolve.
The Path to 2033 Strategy takes its direction from the Board and is aligned with our purpose: ‘To sustainably create and return value to Western Australian growers, current and future.’
Strategic Objectives
We’ve identified three Strategic Objectives as crucial to achieve our 2033 goal of being capable of outturning a peak of 3 million tonnes (mt) each month:
Storage and Handlingare able to safely receive an average 22mt crop (with a peak of 28-30mt) and outturn 70% in the first half of the year shipping window.
Marketing and Tradingbe able to market ~ 50% of the crop to customers.
Fertiliserbe able to hold a 15% market share in the WA fertiliser market.
Strategic Focus Areas
To bring the Path to 2033 Strategy to life, we have identified three Strategic Focus Areas that help to guide the collective CBH effort to deliver on our objectives:
PeopleDevelop, retain and attract engaged people with the skills we need.
TechnologyRight systems, processes, data and reporting to support decision making.
Tonnes to CustomerDedicated investment in infrastructure and the supply chain.
The Three Horizons
Our Path to 2033 Strategy ensures we are investing in today and tomorrow. We need to ensure we get the balance right between capacity, our customer service offering and cost management – the trade-off between these three elements will create sustainable value across our supply chain and ensure we can deliver on our purpose.
The pathway to achieve the 2033 objectives is mapped out in three horizons.