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Swap grain for fertiliser

Pre-Pay Advantage

With our Pre-Pay Advantage option, you can get low cost finance by swapping your grain for fertiliser. Free up your farm capital by using future grain sales to help finance putting your crop in. 

How does it work?

  1. Apply for Pre-Pay Advantage through Loadnet.
  2. Once approved, return your contract paperwork prior to collection.
  3. Draw down your PPA facility to pay your CBH Fertiliser invoice, or any other input costs.
  4. Deliver the grain committed under your PPA contract by 31 January.
  5. Sell to any CBH pool or cash product and the proceeds of your grain sale may be directed to repay the PPA facility
  6. Any surplus reservations are returned to you. 


A Pre-Pay Advantage facility can be used to fund the purchase of CBH Fertiliser, with a grain commitment at a rate of $200 per tonne.

Find out how Grain for Fert has helped grower Shaun Kalajzic