SafeTALK in Narembeen
Help someone when they need it most. Suicide alertness is for everyone.
safeTALK prepares anyone over the age of 15, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper.
Join us for this FREE four-hour safeTALK workshop in Narembeen to learn:
• how to identify the signs of people who may have thoughts of suicide
• the simple yet effective TALK steps: Tell, Ask, Listen, & Keep Safe
• how to connect people to life-saving resources and supports.
When: 5.00pm—9.00pm, Tuesday 30 August 2022
Where: Narembeen Community Resource Centre
Cost: FREE - dinner will be provided
Register: Call 9064 7055 or email
This free training is proudly supported by MIFWA, Narembeen CRC, CBH Group and Holyoake as part of the CBH Regional Mental Health Program.