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CBH grant helps Lake King community group to host winter wellness day


Funding from CBH Group’s Grass Roots Grants program has helped the Lake King Progress Association lock in a key rural fitness player to teach a wellness day for the community.  

To help aid the lack of regular winter sports, Farm Life Fitness owner Louise O’Neill will help the Association facilitate a day of fitness and wellness discussions in May 2023. The day includes a group exercise class, goal setting workshop, stretching and food discussions.   

The Lake King Progress Association is a community run body that provides a link between the local school, sporting clubs, shire and other local community groups. It is also one of the 44 community groups which were successful in receiving funding from CBH as part of the 2023 February round of the Grass Roots Community Grants program.  

Lake King Progress Association member Rachael Winyard said it is important to bring the community together to promote movement of the body and creating good health habits. 

“As Lake King doesn’t have any key winter sports such as football, netball and hockey that provide regular fitness sessions, it is vital to provide other health and wellness options that are in our community,” Ms Winyard said. 

“Also, given the recent report from the National Farmers Federtion regarding the mental health of our farmers, anything that can help create a healthier, more sustainable future for those that live, and work rurally is beneficial. 

“These statistics don’t just affect farmers but the individuals connected to them, so health and wellness days that are inclusive to the wider community will hopefully have a knock on effect.  

“We hope the day will inspire continued enthusiasm, collaboration and community focus on movement for all.” 

The Grass Roots grant will support the Association in their long-term mission to empower the Lake King community by providing opportunities for training, education, self-help and mutual support.  

A total of $150,774 was awarded in the February round of the Grass Roots Community Grants program to support regional Western Australian community groups, organisations and clubs in their small-scale infrastructure projects and community events.   

CBH Chief External Relations Officer David Paton said the program was designed to fill key funding gaps in grain growing WA.   

“Over the past nine years, our Grass Roots Community Grants program has continued to directly support groups in building better regional facilities and putting on events that bring communities together,” Mr Paton said.  

“CBH recognise that supporting community-led groups and grass roots organisations are key to creating positive change and having a lasting impact on the lives of people living in those communities.  

“This round saw a wide variety of projects and community events such as shade structures, sporting facility upgrades, community gardens and youth mentoring camps.  

“CBH is proud to be able to support these essential events and small-scale infrastructure projects that help develop regional communities in WA.”  

A total of $2.65 million has been awarded to 843 community events and projects across regional WA since the Grass Roots Community Grants began in 2014.   

The next funding round will open on 1 August 2023. Further information can be found on the CBH website.

Below is the list of successful Grass Roots Community Grants recipients from the February 2023 funding round listed alphabetically by organisation.   

  • 1922 And You Incorporated  
  • Brookton Swimming and Life Saving Club Inc.  
  • Central Midlands Agricultural Society 112th Moora Show  
  • Chapman Valley Agricultural Society (CVAS)  
  • Corrigin Agricultural Society  
  • Cranbrook Sporting Club  
  • Cunderdin Community Resource Centre Inc.  
  • Cunderdin Youth Council  
  • Dandaragan Golf Club Inc.  
  • Doodlakine Community Committee Inc  
  • Fitzgerald Biosphere Group  
  • For A Better Chapman Valley  
  • Gairdner Street Arts Collective  
  • Hyden Tennis Club  
  • Katanning Mens Shed Inc  
  • Kendenup Tennis Club  
  • Kidsafe WA  
  • Kojonup Pastoral and Agricultural Society  
  • Lake Grace District High School P&C  
  • Lake King Progress Association  
  • Main Street Art Gallery Mukinbudin Volunteer Group  
  • Mortlock Pony Club  
  • Narembeen Community Resource Centre  
  • Narrogin Rotary  
  • Newdegate Container Exchange  
  • North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources Inc.  
  • Northam Army Camp Heritage Association Inc  
  • Northam Ballooning Events  
  • Northampton District Agricultural Society Inc  
  • Nyabing Progress Association  
  • Perenjori Agricultural Society  
  • Perth International Jazz Festival  
  • Shire of Cunderdin  
  • Shire of Kent  
  • Shire of Mingenew  
  • Tammin Womens Hockey Club Inc.  
  • Teach Learn Grow  
  • West Arthur Community Resource Centre  
  • Wheatbelt & Beyond Youth Mentoring Inc  
  • Williams Primary School Parents & Citiziens Association  
  • Williams Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service  
  • Wongan Ballidu & Districts Mens Shed Inc  
  • Wongan-Ballidu Aged Persons Homes Association Inc.  
  • Wylie Collective Town Team  
  • York & Districts Archery Club Inc.