Site information
Site Name | Manmanning |
Site Address | CNR Wheatbin Rd / Manmaning Town Rd, Manmanning |
Leased Premises Description | Part Unnumbered Railway Reserve & Reserve 36617 being part of Lot 41 on DP183610 held on Certificate of Title LR3012/361 |
Whole or part of site to be leased | Whole of site |
Land Area to be leased (approximate hectares) | 5.7585 ha |
CBH Building Storage Type | G-type |
Building Area (approximate m2 only) | 4173 m2 |
Building Age (approximate only) | 1978 |
Type - Lease or Sub-Lease | SUB-LEASE - This site will be a Sub-Lease where the successful EOI party will need to comply with CBH's terms and conditions including complying with CBH's head lease terms & conditions held with Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (Head Lessor). Each sub-lease is subject to both Head-Lessor & Lessor approval. |
Mains Power Service Status | Power supply is not provided to the site |
Other Information |
GENERAL NOTE - Any weighbridges/conveyors/overrail garner bins remaining on-site post make safe/pre-leasing are non-operational. SPECIFIC SITE EXCLUSIONS - Climbable elements to overrail garner bins, elevator towers, fan towers will be removed (access ladders/platforms) / fan tower vats and elevator tower spindles removed / Distribution electrical switchboards will be removed / G-type elevator to storage shed access restricted / Confined space access points welded/bolted shut to prevent access / Inloading ground pits and interior storage shed outloading pit to be filled in / Anchor davit removed / Weighbridge hut access bolted to prevent access / Sample shed, accommodation units, redundant tripper all to be removed from site & general site cleaned up completed pre-leasing. |
As we continue to improve and develop our network, we will retire non-network receival sites that have not been operational for some time or are no longer needed for grower deliveries.