Regional mental health
CBH is committed to supporting the health of its growers and their communities. Mental illness and suicide take a severe toll on communities, and we are committed to being part of a conversation that works to improve this situation.
Following a very successful five years working with the Black Dog Institute in the areas of education and prevention (2015-2020), we are pleased to continue of our Mental Health Program by joining forces with four leading mental health service organisations in a new three-year $600,000 partnership to improve the mental health of Western Australian regional communities.
Lifeline, Youth Focus, MIFWA and Black Dog Institute became part of the CBH Regional Mental Wellness Program in our new format in June 2020.
Our program marked its one year milestone and on September 9, 2021, RUOK?Day we released a short clip with our partners marking the achievements of the first year of the new program.
As part of the program Lifeline WA, in conjunction with CBH and supported by our partners has produced a Regional Crisis Information Resource, which is available in hard copy and a downloadable version.
Mental health remains a significant issue for regional Western Australia, which is why CBH sought more partners to provide services and increased funding to $200,000 a year for the program.
About our partners
Lifeline provides all Western Australians experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide with access to 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
CBH Supported Activities
Support of the 13 11 14 Crisis Line. Video and telephone counselling for grain growing communities with a focus on suicide bereavement and grief and loss counselling. Development of a Crisis Response Pack for communities to use in times of need.
If you are experiencing a personal crisis
Lifeline’s dedicated Telephone Crisis Supporters are available 24/7.
Call: 13 11 14
Text: 0477 13 11 14
As part of the CBH Regional Mental Health Program, Lifeline WA offers Grief and Loss Counselling, free counselling to parents, families and children going through any form of grief and loss, in person or phone/ video counselling is available by calling 08 9261 4444 to make an appointment.
MIFWA supports people who have experienced mental illness, and their families and carers, to find a way to reconnect with their life and community.
CBH Supported Activities
Provide grain growing communities with access to a variety of training and workshops to support local people and their families and carers.
Black Dog Institute aims to reduce the severity and incidence of mental illness, actively reduce suicide rates, remove the stigma around mental illness, and empower everyone to look after their mental health.
CBH Supported Activities
Provide regional GPs and health professions with training and education in the areas of anxiety, depression and suicide.
Youth Focus provides free mental health services to young people aged 12-25 years with the aim of reducing symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicide, and build long-term mental wellbeing.
CBH Supported Activities
Expand one-to-one face-to-face counselling via existing network of regional locations.
Introduce web counselling services across grain-growing regions to new clients.

To mark the first anniversary of CBH’s three-year regional mental health program, we partnered with Lifeline WA to launch a Regional Crisis Information Resource containing mental health information specifically for WA grain growing communities. The 35-page booklet has local contact information for someone in a crisis or for anyone supporting a person in crisis.
Download the Regional Crisis Information Resource