CBH’s Grass Roots Community Grants program is designed to support community-led projects in grain-growing regions.
Types of projects we fund
Community-related events
(Maximum funding limit: $10,000)
Small scale infrastructure projects
(Maximum funding limit: $20,000)
Grants eligibility
To be eligible for our Community Grass Roots Grants, the project must:- Be located within a grain-growing community in WA
- Fit with CBH's purpose, values and behaviour
- Align with at least one of CBH's Community Investment Fund Framework pillars
- Be completed within 12 months of funds being awarded
- Organisations in an existing partnership with CBH
- Organisations that have received funding from CBH within the past two years, except in exceptional circumstances as determined at CBH's discretion
- Public or government entities except for the following exemptions:
- Schools can apply if they don’t have a P&C
- Shires can apply for infrastructure but not events
- Private or public companies, or projects that are commercial in nature
- Requests from individual persons
- Religious purposes
- Organisations, groups or projects that discriminate based on race, gender, beliefs, class or cultural considerations
- Political organisations or projects that are political in nature
- Ongoing operational expenses that create financial dependency on CBH Group, such as administration costs, wages or salaries, project management, or advertising and marketing costs
- Travel and accommodation costs for individuals or groups to participate in events including but not limited to camps, excursions, or trips
- Transportation vehicles or maintenance for transportation vehicles (e.g cars, vans, buses, trailers etc.)
- Meals or alcohol
- Prize money
- 100% of the costs of any project
- Projects that are primarily the responsibility of Government (Federal, State or Local), or where the Government could be reasonably expected to provide principal funding
- Applications for fundraising events, individual or team requests aimed at raising funds for a third party, or indirect fundraising activities such as charity golf days, signage, or advertising
- Projects or events that are against the law, hazardous or dangerous and may encourage unsafe behaviour
- Projects or events related to gambling or gambling related activities
- Projects or events that have commenced, been completed or occur within the 6-week judging period (i.e. events or projects cannot commence prior to the closing date or 6-weeks after the closing date during the judging period)
For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions
Next round will open 1 August 2025
- Applications are open from 1 to 28 February and 1 to 31 August each year.
- The application form is only available during the above periods.
- Late applications or applications outside of rounds will not be accepted.
- Incomplete applications will not be assessed.
- Successful applicants may be required to submit an invoice upon request prior to receiving payment.
For further assistance email Community@cbh.com.au
Grass roots stories
Learn about stories of some of the groups that have received funding in the past