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digital circuit board

What are APIs?

APIs (Application Programming Interface) enable software applications to talk to each other, so that one application can access the data or functionality of another automatically. If your business has a technical development capability, you may be able to automate access to your CBH data.

Allowing connections

By providing APIs, CBH is enabling Growers and Marketers secure and efficient access to their data to be able to gain insights and improve business decision making. It will also be possible for Growers and Marketers to allow registered third parties (consumers) access to their data.

Sharing your data

To share your data with a registered API consumer, log into LoadNet and access the Data sharing menu option. It will be possible to set up a connection between a registered API consumer and any of your accounts, and immediately rescind the access at any time.

Becoming an API consumer

If you or your organisation wishes to become a registered API consumer, fill in the form below and the application will be reviewed by CBHs internal security team and data owners. Registration for API access to stock data is open to Marketers with an active Grain Services Agreement. Registration for access to Grower load details is open to CBH Growers, or organisations providing existing and verified value-add services to Growers.


Application Form 

Company Details


This is the person CBH can contact in regards to details about your business.

Main Technical Contact Person

Who is completing the form? (required)

Details around the API

Private/Public (Can only choose one) (required)
Which APIs are you interested in accessing? (Can choose multiple) (required)


Terms and Conditions – By submitting this form you are agreeing to CBHs terms and conditions.