Providing for an increasing demand in sustainable food products
Consumers around the world are more aware of the origins of their food, and there is increasing demand for sustainably produced food products, including products made from grain. We are well placed to meet this demand with Australia’s ability to produce sustainably grown and internationally accredited grain.
Our Marketing and Trading team is working closely with our customers to find opportunities to secure new markets to export sustainable grain. We certify our sustainable grain as part of the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification program (ISCC).
The ISCC program is an internationally recognised sustainability accreditation system. Certifications like ISCC are increasingly becoming a prerequisite for sustainable sourcing strategies of major multinational food manufacturing companies.
Since 2010, over 15 million tonnes of Western Australian sustainable-accredited canola has been exported to the European biofuels market.
ISCC sustainability certifications
Our ISCC sustainability certification also covers barley, wheat, lupins and oats through the ISCC PLUS accreditation. There are multiple advantages for CBH to participate in the ISCC PLUS program - we have a high audit success rate, growers are familiar with the system, and there is international recognition of ISCC as a global benchmarked sustainability accreditation system. If growers are already participating in the ISCC EU program, they are automatically certified for ISCC PLUS for their other commodities.
Looking into the future, we see demand for sustainable products only increasing, and so we are very motivated to identify and develop new market opportunities for WA grain to ensure the long-term success of Western Australian farming.
Certification process
We have achieved certification in ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS, to maintain market access and develop new market opportunities.
To participate, growers need to:
- Familiarise themselves with the requirements of ISCC and be satisfied that their farm is compliant.
- Complete a CBH ISCC Grower Self-Assessment form available in LoadNet to ensure they understand and can demonstrate compliance with all ISCC requirements.
- Submit an ISCC Self-Declaration available in LoadNet.
- Be willing to participate in an audit if selected.
Reminder: ISCC requirements - aerial application of pesticides
Under ISCC Principle 2.6.2, several pesticides (classified as World Health Organization 1a, 1b or 2) are prohibited from being applied aerially within 500 metres of water bodies.
- A water body is considered any significant and distinct mass of water, such as a freshwater lake, river, pond, or creek (with water present at time of application).
- Some of the prohibited pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides and molluscicides) growers may be familiar with include Diquat, Gamma-Cyhalothrin, Alpha-Cypermethrin, and Zinc Phosphide.
Please note that these requirements are specific to the ISCC program and only apply to ISCC participants.
Adhering to Principle 2.6.2 is essential for WA growers to continue accessing valuable international markets and for CBH to maintain its ISCC certification.
You can find more information about ISCC requirements by completing the ISCC Self-Assessment form available below, and in LoadNet.
More information is available on the ISCC website.
The below documents provide growers with an understanding of the ISCC self-declaration form, self-assessment form and what to expect if selected for an audit.
ISCC Self-DeclarationA new ISCC Self-Declaration must be submitted each season, prior to selling your grain to CBH. The Self-Declaration is found in LoadNet under the ‘Marketing’ tab.Login to LoadNet
CBH ISCC Grower Self-Assessment FormTo meet the requirements of the ISCC program, growers will need to complete a CBH ISCC Grower Self-Assessment form in LoadNet. The form can act as your farm management/ improvement plan, which is an ISCC requirement that will be requested during an audit.Complete in LoadNet
CBH ISCC Audit ChecklistDownload Checklist
If selected for an audit, the auditor will review key documentation and do a walk around the farm to check for compliance with key ISCC requirements. Use our ISCC Audit Checklist to get your documentation in order before your audit.
Video resources
The below videos have been created to provide a greater understanding of ISCC principles and requirements.
Understanding ISCC Principle 1Learn more about ISCC Principle 1, what is considered land use change and what records or resources are required in the event of an on-farm audit.Watch now
Understanding Principle 2 - Part 1Learn about ISCC Principle 2, what you should consider when applying pesticides, herbicides and insecticides and records required in the event of an on-farm audit.Watch now
Understanding Principle 2 - Part 2Learn more about ISCC Principle 2, what to consider when applying, storage and handling of pesticides, herbicides and insecticides and records required in the event of an on-farm audit.Watch now
How to complete the self-assessment formLearn how to complete your CBH ISCC Grower Self-Assessment form to confidently understand and meet your ISCC requirements.Watch now
Thank you ISCC growers!CBH has achieved certification in the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) program for the coming season. Thank you to all our growers who participate in the program, particularly those who completed audits this year.Watch now
Frequently Asked Questions
Need help?Contact the Grower Service Centre
WA Grower Service Centre
1800 199 083 Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm
Harvest: Monday to Friday, 7am - 6pm and Saturday, 8am - 12pmEA Grower Service Centre
1800 107 759 to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Related pages
CertificationsRead more about Certifications
Order grain samplesRead more about Order grain samples
Buy grain from CBHRead more about Buy grain from CBH