Nominations open for 2021 Member Director Elections
19 November 2020
Nominations for the 2021 CBH Member Director Elections open today.
The Directors whose three-year terms will expire at the CBH Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, 25 February 2021 are Brian McAlpine (District 1), Natalie Browning (District 3) and Simon Stead (District 5).
There will be elections in two of these districts, District 3 and 5, and these are now open for nomination. Both Ms Browning and Mr Stead have advised they will stand for re-election.
In District 1, Mr McAlpine has informed the Board that he does not wish to nominate for a further term after holding the position for three terms of three years.
Given the Board is proposing changes to the CBH Rules at the 2021 AGM following the recent governance review process, including to introduce term limits and reduce the size of the Board, there will be no District 1 election held prior to the AGM on Thursday, 25 February 2021.
If the proposed CBH Rule changes to reduce Board size are not supported by members, an election in District 1 will be held as soon as possible after the AGM.
Eligible candidates for the District 3 and District 5 elections have until 12 Noon (AWST) Monday, 4 January 2021, to lodge their nomination.
The upcoming elections will be conducted by the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC).
Candidates are not required to have their main growing interests in the district in which they intend to nominate for election.
Following the close of nominations, subject to receiving more than one nomination for a district, members in that district will be able to vote for the candidate of their choice.
Votes received will be counted immediately after the close of poll at 10am on Monday, 22 February 2021.
CBH members with an interest in standing for election as a Director of CBH in Districts 3 or 5 are encouraged to apply for an information pack and nomination form from WAEC Returning Officer, Wayne Nicholson, by email at<> or phone on 0429 343 414.
For more information on the governance review, please visit our website