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CBH Group launches CDF app for state wide roll out


With harvest just around the corner, the CBH Group has launched its new Carter’s Delivery Form (CDF) mobile application for all Western Australian growers and grain transporters.  

Following a successful trial and strong uptake last harvest, the app is now available to download and use for grain deliveries from this harvest onwards. 

CBH General Manager Operations David Capper said users of the app will experience many benefits including the ability to pre-submit load details to site and keep track of it throughout the delivery process. 

“The app replaces the traditional paper form and provides real-time data in the grower’s hands. It’s suitable for anyone who delivers grain to a CBH site or is wishing to track their deliveries or site performance remotely, such as from the farm” Mr Capper said. 

“With the app, growers can receive notifications on load deliveries including site arrival and departure times, so they will know where their truck is and when it’s likely to get back to the farm for the next load. 

“It also has load quality results, so growers can make real-time decisions from the farm.” 

Mr Capper said an additional benefit to the app is the ability for CBH to accurately measure the performance of sites during harvest, including truck wait times before the sample shed.   

“We can use this data to get a more in-depth understanding of how to better manage and speed up cycle times during harvest, as well as prioritise future investment in the network,” Mr Capper said. 

“We appreciate long wait times at site can cost growers and grain transporters time and money and this app will provide us with better information to manage this. 

“We continue to focus on achieving greater efficiencies and improved services at site to keep harvest moving and the CDF app is just one of those improvements. 

“I encourage growers and grain transporters to download and use the app to see how it can benefit their business.” 

The app is available for Apple and Android devices from the App Store and Google Play.  

A ‘Getting Started’ guide and more information is available at <> or call the CBH Grower Service Centre on 1800 199 083. 


  • Growers and truck drivers pre-submit their load information for grain deliveries while on the farm to notify the CBH receival site of a coming delivery. 
  • CBH will provide growers/truck drivers with a clipboard to associate the truck to the sample collected.  We require the truck registration and approximate bin quantities written on the clipboard.
  • The same clipboard will be used for every delivery. 
  • When the load arrives at site for sampling, the load information is automatically available and once the sampling assessment is complete, grade results are immediately available in the app. 
  • The truck driver can then choose to accept the grade and continue with the delivery, or opt to deliver to another site that is providing the service. 
  • Real-time notifications are sent throughout the delivery process including the sample results and the driver’s arrival and departure from the receival site. 
  • The app also shows which sites are open, which grains are being accepted at each site, and the approximate waiting time at the site. 
  • The CDF app syncs directly with grower’s paddock information with commodity and variety, if they’ve set up the Paddock Planner in LoadNet – making it easier to keep track of loads from paddock to site.