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CBH Group improves Wi Fi connectivity for CDF app


The CBH Group will provide Wi-Fi access to growers and transporters at key receival sites this harvest as it releases improvements to the CDF app aimed at making deliveries quicker and easier.

Introduced network-wide last year, the CDF app replaces the traditional paper Carter’s Delivery Form (CDF) which is required for each load delivered to a CBH receival site. The Wi-Fi access is one of the improvements made to the CDF app in time for this harvest. 

CBH General Manager Operations Ben Macnamara said Wi-Fi networks had been installed at more than 60 receival sites and remote sample huts, 38 of which had been identified as having poor or no mobile phone reception.

“We know poor internet connectivity on site has been an issue for growers in some areas,” Mr Macnamara said. 

“To help with this we’ve installed Wi-Fi networks, so growers and transporters can maintain access to the CDF app, submit loads and continue to receive real-time information throughout the delivery process to help with their decision making back on the farm.” 

The CDF app was well received by growers during the 2018/19 harvest, with the app used to deliver approximately 65 per cent of all loads. 

Mr Macnamara said the app was one of the key drivers of reducing site turnaround times with site queue and cycle times available to users in the app.  

“We’re working hard on making harvest deliveries a more efficient and seamless experience for growers and transporters,” Mr Macnamara said. 

“The improvements provide users with more options about how they want to receive real-time notifications.

“There is also additional functionality this harvest for growers to better communicate with farm employees and transporters and access more details of each load in real-time.” 

Mr Macnamara said an additional benefit to the app was the ability for CBH to accurately measure the performance of sites during harvest.   

“We can use this information to get a better understanding of how to further improve turnaround times during harvest, and where to prioritise future investment in the network,” he said. 

“We appreciate long wait times at site can impact growers and grain transporters and the CDF app provides us with information to better manage this for everyone’s benefit.” 


Wi-Fi access:

  • The CDF app will automatically detect the Wi-Fi network when the truck arrives at site. Users will be prompted to connect, which they choose to accept or not. 

Key improvements to the CDF app:

  • Better user experience in form submission, including a ‘copy last CDF’ option
  • New ‘expected grade’ field and notes section to better communicate with drivers
  • Updated Notification Centre with configurable notifications to a property level
  • New email address book to forward electronic weighbridge tickets
  • Improved load history details and search function
  • Improved workflow for the form and delivery process